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Fruit and Cider Talk from Calais, Vermont. Maintained by Terry Bradshaw, fruit guy.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Anything for sale at LostMeadow?

Hey folks, long time no write. I've been getting a few requests for
off-season cider/vinegar lately, and figured I'd mention what I can do
for people. Cider is pretty much out come first week in November, after
that the mill is a garage complete with dripping slushy cars and
wrapping paper trash from Christmas. Any frozen cider is pretty much
mine; after investing in the electricity to jeep it frozen I'd have to
charge you $10 a gallon, an besides, I need cider to make my oatmeal
with. Really.

Vinegar is another matter, and I have gotten a few requests for it,
including bulk orders. I'll sell vinegar any time, but folks need to
remember that this is a micro-operation, with total vinegar production
at 25-50 gallons per year. So if I have it, you can have it, just
contact me. I can't set up a long-term deal for your pickled-egg
operation, unless you get me close to the $30 a gallon I retail it for
in smaller bottles. That's it.

I've got maybe 3-4 gallons bottled right now, all in 1.75 liter bottles
($12), and another 15 gallons or so cooking downstairs. I have a new
vinegar generator setup, so I don't know how long a batch will take, at
this time longer than I expected. If you want in, give me a shout.



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